Washington School PBIS

Classroom Celebrations

Students can earn purple tickets. They show them to the teacher and they take the purple ticket home to show their parents. Every time a child earns a purple ticket, they place a black or gold pom pom into the bee hive. When the class has earned 10 pom poms, they place a big bee in the bee hive. When 10 big bees are in the hive, the celebration immediately takes place.

Some rewards students have earned this year for class celebrations include:
Free time in the gym
Cake party
Extra recess

Bus Bucks and Car Bucks

Bus bucks are given throughout all grade levels for following the expectations on the bus. At Washington, students who are car riders can earn car bucks for waiting quietly for their parents and walking to the car with their parents. Bus bucks and car bucks are worth the same as a purple ticket.

Home Bucks

Washington School also has a home bucks program. If a parent would like additional help at home to manage child behavior, a home bucks program can be set up with the school social worker. The social worker and parent will identify a particular home issue that needs to be worked on. Parents will receive purple tickets and a matrix to use. If a child returns a purple ticket to school the next day, a pom pom is added to the hive.